
Little footprints

At just 3 years old, Hayli is going to make her little footprints count for a big cause. Come support Hayli's journey as she will walk from Aldrich Bay to Central. This walk will take about 2.5 to 3 hours with her little footprints. We hope she can do it all by herself, without any assistance—no being carried by parents.

Your support will not only encourage her with every step but also help youth mental health and suicide prevention efforts in Hong Kong. This cause is close to our hearts as it shapes the community where Hayli is growing up and lays the foundation for her future. *We will let you know if she can make it or not*

三歲的Hayli 將用她的小小腳步為香港青年精神健康及防止自殺工作出一分力!


請支持Hayli ,幫助她完成她人生中的第一次步行籌款活動,同時也為提升社會對青年精神健康問題的意識和關注出一分力,共同為小朋友的未來建立一個更加共融的社會!

*Hayli 行完之後,我哋會話你知她能否自己完成全程*

已籌得 HK$5651.00

目標金額 HK$10000.00
# 姓名 捐款日期 捐款金額
1 Daddy $1,000.00
2 匿名使用者 $300.00
3 Claire Koon $100.00
4 Tony $500.00
5 Jay $300.00
6 Jeremy $200.00
7 Patri ee $123.00
8 Josephine Lau $300.00
9 Kelvin Kwok $100.00
10 Jane Li $100.00